My short CV

I am an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering – University of Padua (Italy) – Department of Management and Engineering (Vicenza campus) in the disciplinary field of “Management Engineering” (Ingegneria economico-gestionale). I also have the qualification as Full professor in “Management engineering”.
I teach “Technology Management” and “ICT in business” at the Master program in “Engineering Management”. I also give some lectures of “engineering management” at the bachelor program.
Formerly, I was post-doc researcher at the University of Padua, and later researcher at the Universities of Trieste and then Padua. I also was a research fellow at PREST (University of Manchester) as a Marie Curie grant holder.
I received my 5years degree (“Laurea”) in “Electronic Engineering” and my PhD in “Industrial Innovation”.
I was co-founder and first president of the International Association for Knowledge Management.
I am Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, and Series Co-Editor (with prof. Meliha Handzic) of the book series “Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning” (Springer)
I am Member of the Management Committee of the EU COST action “INDCOR”
I was visiting professor at Kaunas Technological University (LT), Coventry University (UK), Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena (E), TH Köln (D).
I have authored more than 200 publications in English or Italian. Details can be found at google scholar or in the repository of the University of Padua (IRIS)
Contact email:
My research interests
Here are examples of some of my current key topics:
Knowledge management:
methods, processes, and approaches to the management of knowledge in companies and organizations
communities of practice and their application in organizations
knowledge management in education and for active learning/teaching
knowledge management and sustainability
counter-knowledge and fake news in science and technology
Innovation and technology management:
processes and approaches to the generation, development, application, and management of technological innovations in companies (especially small and medium-sized enterprises) and more generally in organizations
technology assessment and technological forecasting
Electronic Commerce:
planning and implementation of electronic commerce projects in companies
analysis of impacts of electronic commerce on industries and societies, including the issue of sustainability
My research projects
Here are some EXAMPLES of recent research projects I have conducted:
- Cost action INDCOR (Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations) where I am member of the Management Committee as a representative of Italy, and I am also included in the WG4 (workgroup on “Societal impacts”). In this project, I am especially interested in the issue of “fake news” in science and technology
- FSE VI@farerete: I was principal investigator in this project, aimed to examine the processes of knowledge sharing in the system of employment services in the city area of Vicenza
- In the past, I participated in several EU (TSER, Sewasie) and Italian (PRIN 2000, 2002; FIRB 2003) funded projects especially regarding the implementation and impact of electronic commerce